Masseria del XIV sec a piano terra formata da un complesso recintato da un muro e costituita da un trappeto, da una cappella, da locali per abitazione e da un porticato adibito a stalla.Dimensioni 500m2
Un secondo edificio risalente al 1800 che sviluppa una cubatura di 80m.
Tutto regolarmente accatastato.
Un ettaro e mezzo ,15000 M2,di terreno con ulivi secolari.
Masseria Macchia Trappeto is a rural building of the 14th century, located
in Giovinazzo, Southern Italy. Architectural typology and construction techniques are
typical of rustic architectures of mills (or trappeti), oil production plants typical of the
Apulian agricultural area. The farm has a horizontal development on a single floor, surrounded
by walls of high thickness with loopholes, to fulfil defensive functions. The
rooms surround an open quadrangular space and include the "lamia", the oil production
room, characterized by a barrel vault, the chapel, service rooms and a porch used as a
barn. The niches in masonry had been employed as storage in the past. Masonry walls
consist of limestone blocks in different size, shape and texture. In particular, masonry
of the entrance is regular and made of finished blocks, unlike the ones of production
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