Vendo, preferibile il ritiro a mano su Lecce,NO TUTTOSUBITO,NO PERDITEMPO.
-Finson biliardo 3D(Sgl)
-Finson Cd/Dvd labels 2(Progr.,Sgl)
-Finson videopoker
-Flatout 2
-Football generation
-Football manager 07
-Freedom fighters
-Fritz 6+playchess online
-Fritz 8:scacchi con Kasparov
-Full spectrum warrior
-Gothic II
-Gran theft auto III
-GT Legends
-Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale
-Heroes of might and magic V
-Hitman 2
-Hollywood monsters
-Il meglio di Egames(multigame)
-Il ritorno all'isola misteriosa
-Imperium galactica 2:alliances
-Imperium:le grandi battaglie di Roma
-Imperium:le guerre puniche
-Indiana Jones e la macchina infernale
-I pirati di tortuga:i due tesori
-Jerusalem:il pugnale ritrovato
-Jonathan Danter:nel sangue di Giuda
-Juiced 2
-Just cause 2
-King's bounty:armored princess
-Knight of the temple 2
-Korea:forgotten conflict
-Lara Croft Tomb raider:anniversary/The Angel of darkness
-Leisure suite Larry:magna cum laude big box)
-Loch ness
-Marine-heavy gunner:vietnam(sovracustodia cartonata)
-Mars invader
-Martin Mystere:operazione Dorian Gray
-Master of orion III
-Max Payne 2:the fall of Max Payne
-Microsoft Flight simulator 2002
-Microsoft Fligt simulator 2014
-Midnight club II
-Monster truck fury
-Moto GP
-Moto racer 3 gold edition
-Nostradamus:l'ultima profezia
-Operation flashpoint:cold war crisis(gold edition+gold upgrade v1.3-red hammer:the soviet campaign)
-Painkiller universe
-Panzers II
-Patrician III:impero dei mari
-PC atletica oro
-Penumbra:black plague r.e.q.u.i.e.m
-Peter Jackson's King kong:the official game of the movie(Sgl)
-Photoshop 7(Prog.)
-Poker maste(Sgl)
-Pompei:la leggenda del vesuvio
-Port royale:oro,potere e pirati
-Port royale 2:impero e pirati
-Pro beach soccer
-Pes 3
-Pes 2011
-Pes 2013
-PolePosition management simulation 2010
-Project nomads...dopo la distruzione!
-Project snowblind
-Pro pinball:big race USA
Info:3273973137(uso whats app)