Moto e Scooter

4 nov alle 21:44
ID: 576679326

Honda pcx 2016

Milano (MI)

1.950 €

Meqdam Nassum

Nessuna recensione


I bought it 2 weeks ago, I changed everything, the tires, the oil, the filter, the brakes, everything is new, I bought it from the first owner, now I want to sell it and go to Vienna,

Dati Principali

  • MarcaHonda
  • Modello@ 125
  • Iva esposta
  • Tipo di veicoloUsato
  • TipologiaScooter
  • Km6500 Km
  • Immatricolazione11/2016

Caricamento pulsanti di contatto in corso

ID: 576679326

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