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ID: 566838872

Bali Street Atlas Fourth Edition

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Atlante stradale di Bali NUOVO MAI USATO. Quarta edizione. Periplus Editions. Anno 2015. Testo in Inglese. Finding your way around Bali has never been easier! This newly revised Street Atlas from Periplus, Asia's leading book and map Publisher, is designed for Bali residents and visitors. It is the first and only atlas of Bali produced to world-class cartographic standards. All roads are color-coded with major arteries in bright yellow and orange. All key landmarks are highlighted -- including beaches, temples, hotels, shops, restaurants, shopping malls, consulates, government offices, hospitals, clinics, police stations, schools, parks, banks, and golf courses. Towns and tourist areas are shown at scales of 1:10,000 to 1:15,000 to provide detailed coverage of these important areas. Other parts of the island are shown at scales of 1:60,000 or 1:75,000 for ease of reference and minimum page-flipping. User-friendly indexes at the back list all streets, towns, villages, and buildings for quick reference. COMPREHENSIVE: Covers every major town and tourist area in Bali.

Dati Principali

  • TipologiaAltro
  • CondizioneNuovo - mai usato in confezione originale

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