Vendo bellissima valvola termoionica modello Machlett ML-2C41, nuova imballata.
Quella che vendete in foto è di esempio, la vostra sarà sigillata nel cartoncino in foto, disponibili più pezzi.
Ovviamente sono tutte nuove, provenienti da fondi di magazzino.
Descrizione (per altre info più dettagliate vedere online, oppure post vendita posso fornire il manuale originale Machlett):
The ML-2C41 is an high-mu triode of the planar electrode type designed for use as a plate-pulsed oscillator, or power amplifier in radio trasmitting service from low frequency to 3000 Mc. Features include low interelectrode capacitances, high transconductance and great mechanical strenght. Lead inductances and r.f. losses are minimized by a compact, rugged construction with ring-type seals, making the tube ideally suited to cavity type circuits as well as for parallel line operation. The cathode is an indirectly-heated, oxide-coated disc. The anode is forced-air cooled. The ML2C41 embodies the highest standards of this tube type. All parts are thoroughly processed by special Machlett techniques to assure efficient operation and long life.
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Valvola Machlett ML2C41 Triodo di potenza Raytheon